Tuesday, January 4, 2011

P90X - the sequel

Well, after putting a few pounds back on, I'm ready for round two of P90X. This time around, I will substituting Yoga for an Insanity workout.

Stay tuned!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Aftermath

Stupid stress fracture.

Yep, it looks like that 12-mile run cost me. About 36 hours after that run, walking became extremely painful on my right foot. I thought it was my tendonitis flaring up but the normal routine of ice and ibuprofen did nothing to alleviate the pain.

So now I'm in a special show for the next few weeks as I try to avoid heavy impact on my foot. Needless to say, this has made working out a bit tougher. No kenpo, no heavy bag and definitely no plyo. I've just been focusing on the upper body routines and ab work.

I've only got in 2 workouts since finishing P90X which is less than I had hoped. I really need to work at getting in 3-4. I maintaining weight though and actually lost some more. The other day I actually weighed 173 lbs. I seem to fluctuate daily between 174 & 177 lbs.

Once the foot heals up, I should be able to work out harder again and try for 170.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Final Weigh-in

Well, here it is. The final weigh-in.

90 days of work, sweat & pain. My goal was to get down to 175 lbs. Well, I managed to eclipse it!

Final weight: 174 lbs.
Weight lost this week: 3.2 lb.
Total weight lost: 20.8 lbs.

Not only did I lose 20 lbs. I also managed to drastically trim down my gut. I think maybe another 5 lbs. or so and I'll be pretty flat. I'd really like to have a 6-pack. A six-pack of beer. I'm thirsty. But after that, I really want to work on a six pack of abs!

I've also managed to work myself out of the majority of my clothes. I only have a few pairs of pants that I can wear and they are quite loose at this point. I've worked my way through every notch on all my belts. This feels pretty damn good.

Looking at these side by side comparisons really makes it real. It's amazing that those first pics weren't even me at my heaviest. If I remember correctly there was a point when I was hovering around 215 lbs. I don't think "hovering" is the right word though. I wasn't leaving the ground.

The next 90 days are what really matters though. Today is like getting my black belt again. You've mastered the basics and now is where the journey really begins. There is still more to lose and then comes the goal of maintaining a healthy weight. I've proven to myself that I can go without a lot of snacks.

Day 90: Rest - HELL NO!

Well, today was the final day of P90X. It should be a rest day. Not today. Like I said, I really wanted to push myself on my last day of P90 with a run.

If you remember, back in June I couldn't run 1 mile without stopping to walk. Slowly but surely I worked my way up to 3 mile runs and from there 5 mile runs.

On day 75 I hit a personal high with 6.5 miles. Today I decided that 10 miles would probably be too ambitious so I mapped out an 8.5 mile run for myself.

Unfortunately, I missed a turn or wrote down the wrong street and had to add an extra 12 blocks to my run. Then, after hour into my run I realized my phone fell out of my pocket. I had to back track about a mile to find.

When all was said and done, I ran 12 miles. 12 freaking miles. Nearly a 1/2 marathon. Best yet, I did it in 2 hours. Not too shabby for a guy who couldn't run a mile a few months ago. I thought I was going to collapse when I got home. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning.

Day 85-89: Finishing Cardio Week

Well, I wasn't going to miss a day at this point! This week was spent doing Core Synergistics mixed with Kenpo workouts. Yesterday I decided to go back to the heavybag. I spent a good 55 minutes hitting the heavy bag and running sprints. It felt great. I haven't hit the bag with this much energy and power and in a long time - maybe ever!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Final weight: 177.2 lbs.
Weight lost this week: 2.6 lb.
Total weight lost: 17.6 lbs.

This was my second biggest weekly weight loss and a bit unexpected. This is day 1 of the last week of the program and I'm just pounds away from my goal. I'd really like to finish at 175 however, 174 would make it an even 20. Not sure how lower I want to go. I could still benefit from a little less around my midsection so 170 might be the ideal weight for me.

With this week being all cardio & core work, dropping that last 2-3 pounds shouldn't be too hard. Maybe I'll even ease up on the beer this week. Maybe.

Day 84: Core Synergistics

I wish this one came up more. I LOVE this workout. It's such a great mix of strength training, cardio and ab work. I was dripping sweat when this was over. When I modify my routine after day 90, this workout will definitely be done more often.

Day 78-83

I guess people do read this since I got yelled at by my sis Cyndi for neglecting my posts. Sorry Cyndi! My mom started reading too, so HI MOM!

Okay, back to business.

Day 78: Plyometrics

Day 79: Back & Biceps followed by Ab Ripper

Day 80: Kenpo X-plus

Day 81: Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper

Day 82: Kenpo X

Day 83: Rest

Still same old - same old. I still hate back & biceps but really enjoy legs & back. I'm also up to 5 consecutive pull-ups from not being able to do any at the start. That's pretty sweet. I skipped yoga again this week and did an extra Kenpo. I did the Kenpo X-plus which is part of P90X's supplemental set of dics. It's a little more cardiocentric than the first Kenpo disc.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Final weight: 179.8 lbs.
Weight lost this week: 0.6 lb.
Total weight lost: 15 lbs.

Well, same loss as last week. These last couple of pounds seem to be the stubborn ones. I'd really like to get to 175 by day 90 but that's looking tougher and tougher. Mind you, I will hit 175 whether it's day 90 or day 190.

I've lost weight all over now - neck, face, fingers, legs & waist. My gut is definitely smaller, much smaller than when I started but it's not where I'd like it to be yet. I am officially on the last notch of all my belts though now. Once I go 3 consecutive days on a notch I know I'm not going back.

Day 77: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps followed by Ab Ripper X

Today was a bit different. I had never actually done this routine before. Because I'm missing the disc for this workout, I had substituted for it last time.

I was able to track down a rundown of the moves as well as a description for everything online. So, I just cranked up the tunes and went down the list doing max reps for every move.

This was definitely a challenging set and I thoroughly sweat through my clothes on this one.

Some of the more difficult moves were the clapping push-ups and the 1 arm push-ups. I was able to do about 6 clapping push-ups and an additional 10 of just pushing up hard enough to leave the ground. Back in the day I was able to actually clap behind my head while doing push-ups.

The arm push-ups proved to be too much for my wrists. I really need to build up my wrist strength as that has always been a weak area. Had it not been for my wrists, I probably could have done at least 6 one-arm push-ups. Heck, I remember a time where I could do fingertip and 2 finger push-ups. I had a lot less weight to support though.

The routine finished with "Dumbbell Cross Body Blows". You put one leg back and squat a bit holding weights in both hands. Then you twist back and forth and deliver punches to the lower body back and forth. I thought that was a fantastic finish. It reminded me of my heavy training days in taekwondo where you would wear yourself out and then start the fight while you were exhausted. It was great training for that final minute of match when you really have to dig deep and out perform your opponent.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 76: Rest

And it was good.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 75: 6.5 mile run

Went for a long one today. 6.5 miles. By the last mile, I don't even think I could feel my legs though I feel that wont be the case in the morning. After all that running, I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't walk tomorrow.

I felt like I was moving at a pretty nice pace though I know that miles 2-4 were probably the toughest. The last two felt really good but as I finished, I couldn't imagine doubling that for a half-marathon.

I finished the run in 55 minutes which puts me at an 8min 45sec mile average.

Day 71-74

Behind on posting again!

Day 71: Plyometrics

Day 72: Shoulders & Arms followed by Ab Ripper X

Day 73: 3-mile run

Day 74: Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X

Not much to report here. Partied on Saturday which made Sunday morning difficult to work out. Pushed through it though.