Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Much better on the weigh-in this week. Definitely back on track.

Final weight: 181 lbs.
Weight lost this week: 3.6 lb.
Total weight lost: 13.8 lbs.

The big challenge will be this weekend - Bachelor party. The booze and crappy food might not bode well for next weeks numbers.

Day 63: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps followed by Ab Ripper X

Chest, Shoulders & Triceps is one of the dics missing from our set so I had to do some modifications. I did the regular Chest & Back routine but substituted pull-ups with Shoulder press, Tricep Kickbacks & Tricep extension. That turned out to be tougher than I thought since a lot of the push-ups utilize the triceps. Needless to say, it was killer

I crushed my push-up count again by hitting 214 push-ups compared to 190 last week. I've now more than doubled my push-up count from the beginning of P90-X.

Day 62: 3 Mile run

So much for rest. The nice thing about the baby is that it's actually tough to sit down and participate in my usual timewasters. Before Eva, I probably would have just sat on the couch and play some Call of Duty or Madden. That is a lot tougher when your attention needs to be focused on a little one.

Taking Eva out in the jogging stroller is such a great way to get her some fresh air, get a little nap out of her and get my butt moving.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 61: 5 Mile run

Looks like 5 has become the new 3. My back was really tightening up during the run from yesterdays workout but other than that I felt pretty good. Legs were strong but a few side aches. Plus I had to deal with the smell of delicious barbecue for most of the run. Speak of grilling, time to go grill some chicken breasts!

Day 60: Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X

Uhg. Today sucked. Working out after a late night of drinking and junk food does not help. I really set out with good intentions to watch my snack intake as we partied. However, the more beef I took in, the more chips as well. I don't even bother with Miller lite either. No, this was quadruple ale followed by triple ale, microbrews and then finally sweet tea vodka.

Believe it or not, those are not great fuels for working out. I think I was literally sweating beer.