Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 57-59

Whoah, I got bit off track with my posts but I'm not sure if anyone but Wendall still reads this! Sorry for the late post Wendall!

I haven't been off track with working though. Still kicking it.

Day 57: Plyometrics
Still one of my favorite workouts. I can tell that I've added some inches to my vertical jump. It will be nice to see what my jump kicks look like when this is all done.

Day 58: Shoulders & Arms followed by Ab Ripper X
Still one of my least favorite routines. Curls after curls after curls.

Day 59: 5-mile run
Another run with Eva. She slept through most of it but that's okay - that was the plan. Felt really strong running today. I took some Catalyst before I left which always helps!

Yesterday I hit a new low for weight - 181.3 I don't think the 170s are that far off.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Final weight: 184.6 lbs.
Weight gained this week: 1 lb.
Total weight lost: 10.2 lbs.

Damn! I actually gained a pound this week. I thought this might happen. Last week I weighed myself in the morning and then again at night. I was 183 in the morning and 185 in the evening when I normally weigh-in.

I decided to post the lower number, so instead of the 1.5 lb. average I was hitting, I lost 3 lbs. Should have just gone with the 185 last week and the 184 this week.

I'll just use it as motivation to bust ass this week.

Day 56: Chest & Back followed by Ab Ripper X

After week on non-lifting, getting back into it is quite a shock to the body. It felt tougher than usual today but I still managed to crush my push-up count. I busted out 190 push-ups today compared to 166 the last time around. Hopefully the next time this workout comes around, I'll surpass 200.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 55: Kenpo X

The schedule has been thrown out the window. After all that work to get my rest day on a Tuesday, I ended up working out today anyways. The baby woke up at 4:30am and went back down at 5am. My sleep was shot so as long as I was up, I decided to workout. Felt good! At least I get to take tonite off. A new round of strength training starts tomorrow.

I'll still keep the weigh-ins on Wednesday but I'm not looking forward to tomorrows results.

Day 54: 4 mile run

This was a nice change, I got to run with my lovely wife. It's been a while since we've run together. Christy doesn't care to run with me since I can I'm usually the stronger runner. It was a nice change of pace to be the one pushing the trainer on to finish 4 miles.

Now if I could only manage to surpass her in flexibility, core strength, balance, sit ups .....

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 52 & 53: Cardio X and Yoga

Not a good weekend. Allergies have hit my hard making the day miserable and sleep very hard. I was aching from Friday's run and on top of that I have a killer earache in my left ear.

What a mess.

I trudged through both workouts this weekend but really struggled. That lower abdominal pull seemed to effect me more this weekend than in days past.

While I've been doing a good job of watching what I eat, Saturday was a different story. I had my fantasy football draft which means we all get together, drink beer, eat wings & hamburgers. I should have stopped at 1 hamburger but man they were delicious. It was off to another party that night where we went to a hibachi restaurant. Very delicious but a GENEROUS serving of food again. That was followed by more beers and booze. I'm not looking forward to what effect this will have on Wednesday's weigh-in but hey, gotta live a little I guess.