Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 37: Plyometrics

Still feeling sick. Not as sick as Wednesday but enough that the couch was more tempting than working out. Still pushed through plyometrics which is a tough one when you're not feeling it.

I also picked up Madden 2010 today. I wasn't going to let myself play until I got my workout done though. It was a nice treat to sit down and beat the Vikings in OT tonite.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 36: Total Body Plus followed by Ab Ripper X

Still not feeling 100% yet. I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll have this cold kicked though. This was my first time doing the Total Body Plus workout. It was exactly that, a little bit of everything to make you hurt all over....

pushups, pullups, lunges, curls, squats, etc.

It was tough to push through this one and I was glad when it was over. Here's to some better health this weekend!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 35: Rest & Weigh in

Ugh, so sick. Slept for two hours after work today. I hate summer colds.

Final weight: 188.4 lbs.
Weight lost this week: 1.7 lbs.
Total weight lost: 6.4 lbs.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 34: Kenpo X

If there is one thing I hate more than starting a workout at 8pm it's summer colds. So, you can imagine how I felt tonite working out late and feeling like crap. Aches, chills & a runny nose do not make working out fun. I really wanted to phone it in tonite.

This was my first time doing the Kenpo X workout. It wasn't a bad cardio workout. Being a 3rd Degree black belt had its advantages here. My only problem was that I found myself constantly critiquing their technique and form which at times was pretty bad! Plus, I've never heard a front kick called a "ball kick".

Ughhhh. Feel like crap. Must sleep.

Hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow. My plan is to skip my rest day tomorrow and start right up again so that my rest day falls on a Tuesday. Tuesday & Thursdays are the toughest days to get a workout in so if I can make one a rest day it will help.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 33: Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X

Not feeling it today. Work was one of those looooooooooong days with not a whole lot to do. It really felt like a 14 hour day instead of 8. It's amazing what that does to your energy levels when you got home. If I was not committed to the program I probably would have phoned it in today. I pushed through it though and this is not one of my favorite workouts.

I have big legs that are extremely strong so you think this would be a breeze, right? Wrong. 21 years of martial arts have given me fantastic fast twitch muscles but holding lunge after lunge tires my legs quick. I'd much rather throw 400 roundhouse kicks into a heavy bag any day.

Hopefully tomorrow will find me with a bit more energy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 32: Yoga and 2.5mile Run

Now that my wife Christy is a rep for Advocare we get all sorts of great products. I've been taking Catalyst and Slam. Slam gives you a nice burst of energy that really helps you push through tough workouts. Catalyst is great for maintaining energy levels and muscles when you are on a restricted calorie diet.

I took the Slam today before Yoga and was left with enough energy to get in a 2.5 mile run before the storms hit. It felt good to run without Eva today. Not having to push the jogging stroller was a nice change of pace. However, the 90 degree and extremely humid weather was another story.

The weight seems to be coming off nicely now. It was Thursday night that I finally hit the 180s at 189. Yesterday I was at 188 and this morning I was at 187. It would be awesome to finish in the 170s.