Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 6: 4 Mile Run

Well, there was a change of plans today. The schedule called for the Kenpo workout. I've already tried the KenpoX Plus workout and it's mostly cardio. Since my wife had to work late and I had the baby, I had two options. Wait for her to get home and work out at 8:30/9:00 or go for a run. I opted for the run instead.

I strapped Eva into the jogging stroller and we were off. I had just planned on taking our regular 3.5 mile route since I wasn't sure I could even make that while pushing the baby the whole time. The first 1/2 mile was the hardest as usual but slowly started getting better. By the halfway point I was really feeling good. My breathing was under control and my legs felt good. I ended up going an extra 1/2 mile for an even 4. I really felt like I could have gone 5 or 6 miles today.

You have to have flexibility in your workouts for when the unexpected comes up. I could have waited until much later tonite to work out but I didn't want to risk something else coming up where I'd miss it.

The concludes the first set of workouts. Tomorrow is the scheduled rest day. Of course it lands on the night I teach taekwondo so I imagine I'll still be getting a good workout in. Tomorrow also marks the end of week one which means new pictures and a new weigh in.

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