Thought I skipped a day? Yesterday was very tight schedule wise. With
Christy working until noon, I was a baby duty. Working out is impossible with her unless it's jogging. Once Christy got home, I had 2 1/2 hours to workout, shower, eat, pack and head to Madison for the night. I got my yoga workout in but saved my post for today.
Last night, I got together with my friend
Marc in Madison. We had tickets to the "Madtown Throwdown, a UFC style cage fighting event. We saw 12 fights over the course of the night - 5 amateur, 7 professional with 2 title fights. It was incredible to watch. You wanna talk about being in shape, these dudes were cut. I couldn't help but to pay close attention to the heights & weights and what that looked like on these fighters. Several fighters were my height or within an inch: 5' 8". Their weights fluctuated between 135 & 195 but all were completely ripped.
It was good motivation for me though. So, today I deviated from the schedule once again. Todays workout was supposed to be "Stretch X" which is simply that - stretching. I'm not worried about my flexibility. You wouldn't look at me and think I can do the splits but I can still get down with my front splits and still kick above my head. So, instead of stretching I beat on the heavy bag for 45 minutes (with sprints mixed in). It felt great.
Today I also wore
Christy's heart rate monitor which keeps track of my average heart rate, peak heart rate and calories burned. My heart rate peaked at 178 which was a little lower than I had hoped for but I managed to burn over 500 calories in that time. Since, I'm currently taking a calorie burner you take 10-15 minutes prior to working out, it was probably much, much more.
Alright, that's all for now.